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Seller survey: key takeaways & actions we're taking

A big thank you to everyone for taking the time to complete last month's seller survey.

Your feedback is essential for us to make sure we are providing you all with an exceptional service, and continuing to make it better and better.

As a team we all went through the comments, identified the key takeaway and made a list of what we are going to do about it.


What works well for you

Most of you called out at least one of the following things as being aspects that you feel works well:

  • the design and ease of use of the website
  • the ease of use of the Seller Portal, particularly for managing orders
  • providing a strong route to market


What doesn't work so well for you

Here there was a bigger mix of feedback but the most common themes were:

  • Edited listings being offsite for sometimes hours
  • Lack of reports*
  • Confusion in understanding payments*


* this survey was running before and just after we released a new improved Account Balance and a Reports section so we're hoping these go along way already towards addressing these points.  If not let us know!! 



What aspects of your business you would like more support with

Most responses boiled down to:

  • More exposure/ featuring in marketing more
  • How to boost sales
  • Listing new products/ editing current listings (admin support)


What we're going to do about it!

  1. Reporting

We released a new improved Account Balance and also two downloadable reports that based on feedback we believe address the key sales & accounting reporting needs.  In the next survey we will measure if indeed that is addressed  - in the meantime do let us know if there's something key missing.


2.  Insights

We completely understand that insights into the performance of your listings, views trends, and comparison with marketplace averages would all be helpful to you.  in 2018 we hope to build you a dashboard with stats specific to you and your products, and before then at least start sharing more broad marketplace data.


3.  Edited product listings

We will be upgrading the screening system to leave original copies of your listings active while the amendments are undergoing screening.  If we can't release this before we "freeze" the code during the Christmas peak period then it will be the first order of business in Q1.

In the interim, we are significantly speeding up the screening delay times particularly during peak times.


4.  Marketing exposure

This is the big chapter for us.  Yumbles has always been about championing your brands and businesses as a whole as much as driving you orders.

We plan to extend what more we offer in this space significantly, including:

  • Rotating the seller profiles featured on the homepage more regularly (in progress now)
  • Reintroducing a regular "Meet the Maker" section in email marketing (in progress now)
  • A brand directory (coming v soon!!)
  • More marketing add-on packages to suit a variety of use cases


5. Sales

Our entire business model is focused on seeing you succeed in terms of growing sales and we continue to strive for that by growing the Yumbles audience every month.

That said we've always stressed that sales success is as much down to the seller - we put your products in front of thousands of relevant customers every week but it is your product selection, images, descriptions, pricing, shipping options and so on that ultimately determine the sale. Not to mention your customer service that determines your repeat sales.

This Seller Handbook continues a wealth of advice to help you and our events and seller newsletters continue to share advice however we plan to take more steps, including:

  • provide a listing review service
  • invest in more and larger seller events next year, including bringing along more expert speakers
  • we're in discussion with various shipping partners and solutions to help negotiate some reliable and cost effective services for you
  • negotiated rates from selected photographers to assist in great product photography
  • sharing with your trends and insight data (as per point #2 above) to help you make decision in terms of product range etc


6. Other "stuff"

The survey responses also included several more great, and specific, pieces of feedback/ suggestions.  All of which have also been listened to.  We will either follow up with you directly if it seems specific to you OR the points are also on our radar and something we will factor in to further enhancements wherever we can.




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