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10 Golden Rules for all Sellers

The Seller Terms & Conditions detail the full t&cs for all sellers listing on Yumbles but below is a summary of the key rules to be aware of.

Most are common sense and simply relate to you offering a great service to Yumbles buyers which is really all we ask.




1. Maintain high listing standards

Absolutely key to the Yumbles experience is maintaining high standards across all facets.  To ensure that the highest standard of quality is maintained across the site we ask that  you make sure that your listings adhere with our product listing guidelines. 

See the Product Listing Policy here.  


2. Keep your product availability up to date

  • If an item is in stock make sure the available to buy field is positive.  
  • If an item is temporarily unavailable mark the available to buy field quantity as 0.  
  • If an item has been discontinued then change the listing status to Disabled.




3. Confirm orders within 1 working day

We ask all sellers to confirm orders by changing their status to Processing within 1 working day of the new order being received, this includes advance orders.

See our Guide to Order Statuses.


4. Include the Yumbles packing slip within all orders

We also require that you don’t include any materials in the order that direct Yumbles customers to your own website.


5. Ship orders on time to meet the estimated (or guaranteed) delivery dates shown on the orders

As a seller you are responsible for communicating the correct delivery information for your products on Yumbles and then shiping orders out in line with those communicated timescales.

See this guide on how the estimated delivery dates shown to your buyers are calculated for the shipping options you offer, and how you can amend the settings if they don’t correctly reflect the service you are offering.


NOTE: for advance orders unless they chose a guaranteed service option you just need to ensure that the items arrive no later than the requested advance order date, but also ideally no more than 2 days earlier.

6. If any delay to an order is unavoidable, let the customer know

As soon as possible let customers know their order will be late by amending the estimated delivery date if the later date is known or using the Back Ordered status. Also send them a message via the order.

7.  Mark the order as Dispatched the day it is shipped (and provide tracking information if tracked)

We know this can feel like admin but it really is key and we require it. When you mark an order as dispatched the customer is notified their order is on it's way and that sets an expectation. Marking orders as dispatched prematurely and also belatedly are the top causes of customer dissatisfaction.

What's more if the item is tracked give the customer the tracking information in the fields provided.  





8. Respond within 1 working day to customer messages

We expect all sellers to strive to provide excellent customer service to everyone, and seek to resolve any questions or issues quickly.  

We ask that you keep a close eye on your inbox in the Seller Portal and don’t rely on the email notifications.  We ask that all sellers reply back to buyers within 1 working day.


9. Respond to customer complaints in line with our Issue Resolution Policy

Our Issue Resolution policy details the minimum standards that we ask all sellers to adhere to when handing customer issues, in order to protect customer trust in the marketplace.


10. Keep all communications within the Seller Portal, and all payments via Yumbles

Don’t ask customers to email you directly. If phone communication is needed then summarise what has been agreed back via a message in the Seller Portal.  This keeps a clear record with each order, and means we can help if we're called on in a dispute scenario.

All payments must be made via Yumbles.  

See the following guides on



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