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Understanding your payments

Each month you will receive your payment via BACs.  This is the 15th day of the month or the next working day.

The payment period is calculated as:

  1. Your total sales from orders dispatched the previous calendar month
  2. Less our service fee which is applied at 18% +30p on each order (subject to VAT)
  3. Less the nominal monthly account fee (and any accrual of that if past months sales have not covered it).

You can see all your payments in your Account Balance. It defaults to the current month balance (i.e. orders dispatched this month) but you can use the date picker on the left hand side to choose the previous month or custom date ranges.



Seller A has received 5 sales to date: 

Order ID Order received  Products Total Shipping Total Order Total Dispatched Date Service Fee Service Fee plus VAT Net Payment
12345 01/02/2015  £      25.00  £      3.25  £     28.25 03/02/2015  £      5.39  £         6.46  £       21.79
12346 01/02/2015  £      30.00  £      3.25  £     33.25 03/02/2015  £      6.29  £         7.54  £       25.71
12347 20/02/2015  £      60.00  £          -    £     60.00 22/02/2015  £   11.10  £       13.32  £       46.68
12348 28/02/2015  £      35.00  £      3.25  £     38.25 01/03/2015  £      7.19  £         8.62  £       29.63
12349 28/02/2015  £      40.00  £      3.25  £     43.25 not yet  £      8.09  £         9.70  £       33.55


Three of the orders were dispatched in February and so will be paid in the March payment.  The March total payment for those three orders will be £94.18 (total sales of £121.50 less the service fee applied for each order with VAT).


For more info about our fees, see here >>


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