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Mastering Order Status Updates


Managing your order statuses correctly is essential for delivering great customer service, and for your overall Yumbles shop success.

Specifically, keeping your order statuses up to date:

1. Keeps your customers informed. Email notifications are sent to customers automatically based on order status. 

2. Makes sure you get paid! Payments are made for dispatched orders. Find out more here.

3. Avoids account restrictions. Failing to keep your order statuses up to date will generally impact your future sales due to  the impact on your seller rating AND risk of an account suspension (find out more below).


Order Statuses


Order statuses.png


Amending Delivery Dates on Orders

The delivery dates displayed on your orders are calculated from your delivery settings and set a clear expectation for your customers so it is important that you strive to fulfill orders in line with those estimates. 


However, if you find yourself with unexpected delays and cannot fulfill some orders within the timescales shown on them then simply:

1. Message the customer via the order as early as possible to let them know, 

2. Edit the delivery estimate within the order (find it below the totals)



3. Consider revising your delivery settings here to more realistic timescales for new orders.


Important: failing to dispatch orders before the estimated delivery dates on your orders will affect your Seller Rating - see below.


Order Monitoring & Account Suspensions

To help ensure an excellent customer experience across the marketplace, we have an automated system in place to check that orders are being managed correctly. This system will detect any issues (e.g. orders not being dispatched on time) and takes appropriate action.   One outcome can be temporarily suspending accounts as a last step if order status issues still aren't resolved within a reasonable timeframe and after multiple reminders. 

Find out more about this automated monitoring system and account suspensions here.


Seller Ratings

Not updating your orders to dispatched on time will reduce your % orders fulfilled on time metric which is part of your seller rating. Find out more about Seller Ratings here.


Related articles

Order Monitoring & Account Suspensions

Seller Ratings

Communicating with your customers

Managing product availability


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