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Marketing Opportunities on Yumbles - An Overview

Our aim on Yumbles is to enable you to put your products and brand in front of hundreds of thousands of potential customers every month.


This guide provides you with an overview of the key marketing opportunities available on Yumbles - some are done automatically for you, and others involve your active participation.  Like any channel, the more you participate and put in, the more you get out.


1. Launch Marketing

We launch all new hand-picked makers with some fanfare. 

Typically within the first month of your launch, provided your Yumbles shop is in good shape*, you will be promoted as follows: 

  • We will feature you in a marketing email to our subscribers database (as of Jan 2024 this numbers almost 500k subscribers and growing)
  • At least some of your key products, if not all, will be featured in the popular New category for at least 1 month
  • At least one of your products will be featured on the Yumbles homepage for 2 weeks or more, subject to the quality of your product photography.
  • Your products will all be given a boost in the rankings of the category pages where they are included.  Category pages are sorted by popularity - an algorithmic calculation of the # views, # adds to basket and # orders a product has received.  Obviously as your products are new their ranking would naturally be at the back so we give them a boost to gain exposure and then allow their ranking to be driven from that point on by their success.
  • We will include your brand and products in our paid marketing feeds
  • We may include your brand/ products in our updates to our PR database of over 100 top journalists and bloggers


*when we launch you we will advise you of any key recommendations that we have for improving your Yumbles shop.   If we feel that some of these recommendations are so key for success we may not proceed with launch marketing until they are in place.


2. Marketing Campaigns

Throughout the year we run various multi-channel marketing campaigns - these can include campaigns focused on a category of product, seasonality and also the key gifting occasions.   We share the details on the main campaigns that we run via the Marketing Calender here.

How can you get involved?

We automatically consider all makers with relevant products to be included in these campaigns where we can.   To increase your chances of being included take a look at our guide here.

For the seasonal/ gifting occasion campaigns, the earlier you can list your seasonal products and make them available to buy the more likely we are to include them.   We generally prepare our marketing a few weeks in advance, particularly for Christmas.  Pay attention to the listing deadlines in the Marketing Calendar to not miss out.  If you list your seasonal items after that deadline then they may not be optimally curated into seaosnal categories and will not be considered for featuring in the marketing campaign. 


3. Sale Promotions (Opt In)

Throughout the year there are also some key promotion periods where we do a big campaign.   January/ Winter Sale, Spring Sale, Summer Sale and Black Friday being the most notable promotion periods.    During these promotions we provide fantastic exposure to all participating offers, obviously the stronger the offer the more the exposure.

These promotion campaigns are also detailed in the Marketing Calendar.   You can opt into participating into any of these campaigns via the Sale Promotions section in the portal  - see the list of "Yumbles Promotions" on the page.

Aside from these key promotion periods, you can also run your own promotion at anytime using the same Sale Promotions page in the portal.  Your promotions will then automatically be included in the dedicated Offers section of the site, and are likely to also be included in other marketing activities - we cherry pick the best offers very week to feature.

For more information on Sale Promotions see this guide here.


4. Promotional Codes

For more targeted promotions for specific customers/ customer segments you can create your very own Promotional codes.

For now you can distribute these codes via two channels a) enable them automatically on your order packing slips,  or b) you can then manually distribute the codes you create e.g. on your social media, via 1:1 customer messages, or to your own email lists.

In time we intend to add more customer segments and channels you can automatically distribute promotional codes to.

Find out more here.


5. Exclusive Offers (Opt In)

A big opportunity to have one of your products, and your brand, put in front of hundreds of thousands of Yumbles customers in a big splash campaign including a SOLUS marketing email. This is a major multi-channel marketing campaign where we will showcase fantastic products (one at a time) and entice Yumbles customers to try them with as strong one-time only discount incentive. 

Find out more here.


6. New Product Launches

If you are launching a new product then when you list it via the Seller Portal we are automatically notified about it, you don't need to do a thing.   

We automatically consider* all new products for inclusion in the following:

  • The popular New category
  • Featuring on the homepage of the site
  • Inclusion in an upcoming "What's new" marketing email to our subscribers
  • Inclusion in our updates to our full PR database of bloggers and journalists 
  • Social media posts
  • Push notifications

* We aim to feature as many new products as we can in marketing each month.  Priority goes to products that are particularly unique and the listing must have great product photography, a great description with all of the key information, ingredients, and the Values section of the listing completed.


7. Post Articles on our Blog (Opt In)

Any of our makers can contribute at anytime directly to our blog by posting good and relevant content that we will then publish.  The best articles we will also share across our other marketing channels like email newsletters and social media.   We will link any blog article that you write to your Yumbles shop and also show some of your related products directly on the page. 

Find out more here.


8. Offer a Giveaway (Opt In) 

Typically monthly we run a giveaway across our social media and promote the seller(s) offering the prizes in the giveaway. Beyond promotion it is an opportunity to directly gain followers as an entry requirement is that they follow your page. On average for the giveaways we run the featured seller gains over 1k new followers.

If you want to be considered for a social media giveaway, complete our sign-up form here.


9. Submit Great Videos & Photos to Us (Opt In)

We want to be shouting about your business much more, particularly across social media. And for that we'd like to get some great video & photo content from you!

The videos & photos don't need to be professionally done, nor edited (we can edit it) but please do send us footage as good as you can make it.

Find out more here.


10. Seller Interview series (Opt In) 

We love to share your story in order to inspire and inform fellow businesses (and help promote your business within the industry).
Each month we interview a seller and distribute the interview via various B2B channels to your peers (e.g. Yumbles seller newsletter, Foodpreneurs Facebook group, YouTube, Yumbles Seller Handbook, and possibly via some of our third party partners who also communicate to small food businesses). Find our past interviews here.

If you wish to take part in this series then you have two options:

1) for a video interview over Zoom which you can book here, or
2) we can produce a written interview article - simply complete the questions here.


11. Marketing Add-Ons (paid marketing packages)

Over and above all the opportunities listed above, we know that sometimes our makers just want to get a guaranteed extra boost of exposure therefore we have some paid for marketing add-on packages. 

Find out more here.



See also:

Marketing Calendar

Exclusive Offers


Submit Great Content to Us

Posting on the Yumbles Blog

Marketing Add-Ons

Guide to.....getting included in Yumbles marketing campaigns

Guide to....running a price promotion






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