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Tips: packaging up your parcels

Image courtesy of La Dinette - beautifully formed french macarons


Your produce is amazing, don't let it down with bad first impressions from the customer when they open up their eagerly anticipated parcel. Here's how.



1. Choose a good, protective parcel box

While wrapping up an order in a recycled Hewlett Packard printer box you had lying around feels like a good environmentally aware thing to do, it's not going to leave a great first impression for your eager customer anticipating an exciting foodie find.

Stock up on some good quality, sturdy parcel boxes.


2. The rattle test

Make sure that when packaged up the parcel doesn't rattle.  If it does then you're risking some mightily disappointed customers, not to mention expensive refunds or replacements, when parcels start showing up damaged.

You're probably not going to want to stock a range of parcel boxes in all manner of sizes to fit all possible order sizes. Instead choose some sensible box sizes covering most typical order sizes and choose some attractive parcel filler to effectively fill gaps where needed. 


3. Packing slip

Don't forget to insert the Yumbles packing slip in the box.  Other than including some important order information for the customer it also includes a bit more info about you, a link to your Yumbles shop and the key clincher - a discount code - all designed to encourage the customer to order from you again.


4. Special instructions

If it's not already included on the product packaging then make sure to include any special instructions for storage, use or use by.


5. Surprise touches

A hand written note or a free sample are great unexpected touches for both first time customers and also loyal repeat customers.


6. Address labels

Don't fall at the last hurdle and make a mistake on the address causing all your great work and lovely produce to go astray.  The Yumbles packing slip contains an address label that automatically prints out the Ship to address for the order so you don't risk making an error, not to mention saving you all important time. Load up your printer with standard integrated label paper before you print your slips and you're good to go!


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